About Me

Colorful Vitae (CV)
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek! I prefer the positive and technological attributes of the universe over the world of Star Wars. Engage!
Seven Dogs?
Yes, dogs are part of my life for the last... (wow...) 17 years. Of course, not all of those are still with us 😢. At the moment, there are Maya, Diting, Panhu and Lily.
What kind of dogs are those?
The breed is called Shar Pei. Check out this website (www.sharpei.ch) to learn more about the breed.
Why Drupal? Do you think it's the best CMS?
No, I don't think Drupal is the best CMS for all use-cases possible. There are limitations to the system, and setting up Drupal takes more time than I like. On the other hand, it manages to perform a lot of tasks out of the box.
And then there are the APIs, those are great. And also developing custom APIs with Drupal is very easy.
The community is extremely knowledgeable, as it's mainly professional developers, allowing real discussions and not just flame wars. Documentation is great and update paths are very reasonable.
In my position, I am using Drupal for managing larger content bases which display content in different ways, which might also need to be translated and automated. For that use case, I think it's pretty good.
Did you really spend 10 years in China?
Sure did
What is living in China like?
I think living in any country abroad feels normal at some point, so did living in China. Of course, there is chinese food and there is food from your home county. And it's true that you are perceived differently to the people around you, but even that becomes normal.
Then there is the size of the county: It's huge, and living in northern China is not the same as in southern China. Also, living in main city is completely different to living in a rural part of the country.
Why is there no dark mode for recklies.ch?
I think the theme is dark enough. I am thinking about a light mode though.